From problems to possibilities, empowering individuals and teams to develop innovative mindsets, climates, and processes


Photo by Jopwell

Training Creative Teams

Creativity, at its core, is a problem-solving process. Learning how to approach challenges with a curious mind and eye for possibilities can transform your outcomes. We have all sat in a meeting where we were supposed to produce innovative ideas to solve a problem that turned into a discussion of all the things that would not work, moving us nowhere. What if I told you, that was often due to a lack of proper training not a lack creative capacity?

Ignite Creative Solutions provides team training in:

  • Understanding creative processes through brain science

  • Identifying creative capabilities

  • Improving collaborative idea generation

  • Building supportive environments

  • Increasing innovative output

Utilizing methods from creativity research, adult learning theory, change leadership processes, and the brain science of creativity, we enhance innate creative abilities and support your drive to innovate. Trainings are offered for open groups and can also be tailored to your team’s needs.

How we can help:

Radically increase potential possibilities with effective brainstorming practices

Improve insight, flow, and creative output through powerful training in the brain science of creativity

Identify and empower your team’s creative expertise

Integrate creative processes to invigorate innovation

Ready to take your team to the next level?

Creative consultations include an initial interview to determine your needs and our fit. Next, we will further define your needs and challenges. Services may include one on one mentoring in creative skills, exploration of possibilities, creative environment audits, team creative capacity surveys, and/or personalized training for you and your teams’ needs.

Ignite creative solutions today!