Our consulting practice develops creative leaders, teams, and environments for optimal creative performance.
How We Can Help:
Empower innovative ideas for creating change
Classify challenges needing creative approaches
Build open ended questions to invite possibilities
Develop and refine ideas with a creative thinking partner.
Develop environments supporting optimal creative performance
Audit work environments for creative helps and hinderances
Build opportunities for creative collaborations
Recommend approaches for enhancing creative courage
Integrate creative processes to encourage collaborative innovation
Identify creative expertise in your team
Classify creative attributes and behaviors
Strengthen mindsets that lead to idea development
Encourage creative behaviors in appropriate settings
Determine gaps in creative capacity
Practice Creative Leadership
Build processes that support creative output and collaboration
Identify and select personal creative behaviors to exhibit
Coordinate your team’s creative capabilities
Deomonstrate trust in your team’s ability to innovate
Sounds Great. How Do I start?
Creative consultations include an initial interview to determine your needs and our fit. Next, we will further define your needs and challenges. Services may include one on one mentoring in creative skills, exploration of possibilities, creative environment audits, team creative capacity surveys, and/or personalized training for you and your teams’ needs.